Can’t get enough of horses? Want to show your friends or family your passion?

See more of our Special Events below.  Text or Call 817-223-6036 for more info.


Goal Setting with Ms. Cheyanne and Special Guests
January 17th from 6:00pm-7:30pm
Design an equine vision board
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
Learn about options in the
competitive equine world including:
-Barrel Races
-High School Rodeo
-FFA- animal showing
-Horse Ownership
$50/student, parents may join for free

Valentine’s Day Lock-In
Feb 14th 6pm – Feb 15th 8am
-Pizza dinner & S’more’s
-Bareback Obstacle Course
-Pitch tents in the Sandlot
-Learn to feed the horses
$95 additional friend/sibling*
*Cannot be current FCRA student*

Text 817-223-6036 to sign up!

Ride With Me

Occuring the LAST weekend of every month!

Saturday January 25th
$175 for the pair

Saturday February 22nd
$175 for the pair

Saturday March 29th
$175 for the pair

Text 817-223-6036 to sign up!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Orientation
January 4th 12:00pm-1:00pm

Start the year off with a charitable heart- attend Volunteer Orientation to be trained and qualified to volunteer at our barn!
Open to all ages, under 12 years old requires a parent/guardian.

Barn Beautification Day
February 1st 9:00am
Join FCRA staff and other volunteers to tackle some big barn projects such as drilling fences, weeding planters, and repairing arenas. No need to rsvp, we appreciate the help!

Get In Touch Now
Please call or email to set up a time to view our place or to meet the FCRA Staff our beloved horses.
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