Horseback Riding Lessons


FCRA lessons place a strong emphasis on safety first, with helmets required and the best-behaved horses provided. Just as important, we want our students to learn and have fun! 

Riding lessons teach:

  • Horsemanship
  • Responsibility
  • Discipline
  • Patience
  • Coordination
  • Sportsmanship

Our programs are designed to produce balanced, secure, and effective riders that are in harmony with the horses they ride.

All lesson programs run year-round. We do not hold lessons the week of Spring Break, first week of school (following KISD calendar), Thanksgiving, or Christmas.


Lessons will focus on both rail work and playday events, with a strong emphasis on developing core skills such as balance, proper hand and seat position, and developing a sound western seat. We believe in developing western riders with a strong horsemanship base and providing them an opportunity to experience multiple western disciplines, such as: barrel racing, playday events, trail and obstacle courses, and horsemanship patterns.

Once/week – $315/month due by the 1st of the month
Twice/week – $445/month due by the 1st of the month

Cancellation Policy: You are allowed to makeup one lesson per quarter with a 24 hour cancellation notice sent via text to 817-223-6036.


15-min Lead Line Lessons: For ages 2-3, our lead line lessons develop balance, self-awareness, and routine. 
Once/week – $210/month due by the 1st of the month

30-min Private Lessons: For ages 4 & 5, our private lessons prepare littles for our group lesson program. Students learn how to groom, the order of saddling, how to woah, go, and steer! Soon enough they will be able to ride with the big kids!
Once/week – $280/month due by the 1st of the month
Twice/week – $415/month due by the 1st of the month

45-min Private Lessons: For ages 6 & Up, our private lessons develop specific skills to help students reach their goals. Whether it is to become competitive, to prepare for horse ownership, or to help overcome nerves, private lessons can be just the thing!
Once/week – $545/month due by the 1st of the month

Cancellation Policy: You are allowed to makeup one lesson per quarter with a 24 hour cancellation notice sent via text to 817-223-6036.

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